  • 品牌
  • Strahl & Pitsch LLC
  • 型号
  • SP63 NF

    石蜡(Paraffin)是从石油、页岩油或其他沥青矿物油的某些馏出物中提取出来的一种烃类混合物,主要成分是固体烷烃,无臭无味,为白色或淡黄色半透明固体。石蜡是不同分子量的正链饱和烷烃的混和物,可用通式CnH2n+2表示。按照石蜡的物理状态,可以分为液体石蜡、固体石蜡和微晶蜡三大类。石蜡具有价格低廉、来源***、无色无味、理化性能稳定、较大的相变潜热等诸多优点,因此***地应用于医药、包装、建筑、***伪装、工业和农业等领域,近年来在复合相变储能材料上有很多的研究。理化性质外观为白色固体。熔点50℃~70℃,相对密度,平均碳链长为C28~C29,相对平均分子质量为400的品种:20℃固体相对密度~,折射率~,100℃液体相对密度~,折射率~。溶于苯、氯仿、四氯化碳、樟脑油,不溶于甲醇、乙醇和水。性能指标1.熔点石蜡是烃类的混合物,因此它并不像纯化合物那样具有严格的熔点。所谓石蜡的熔点,是指在规定的条件下,冷却熔化了的石蜡试样,当冷却曲线上***次出现停滞期的温度。各种蜡制品都对石蜡要求有良好的耐温性能,即在特定温度不熔化或软化变形。按照使用条件、使用的地区和季节以及使用环境的差异,要求商品石蜡具有一系列不同的熔点。 美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 黄蜂蜡Yellow Beeswax, DR-100P,NF。销售石蜡SP173PNF



Microcrystalline Wax

Microcrystalline Wax, NF

Microcrystalline waxes are derived from residium. These waxes have very minute crystals (micro-crystals) and are flexible. They have a greater affinity for oil, which is held tightly in the crystalline lattice and does not migrate to the surface.

INCI: MIcrocrystalline
CAS #: 63231-60-7
EINECS #: 264-038-1
Country of origin: USA
Composition: 100%


Microcrystalline Waxes are produced in a variety of melt points, colors, and penetration values. They will add a sensorial benefit to a formulation while improving oil retention.


  • Flexible

  • Oil Retention

  • Penetration Modifier
  • Viscosity Modifier
  • Plasticizer
  • Melting Point Modifier
  • Water Repellant

Forms Available:

  • Slabs

  • Pastilles


Microcrystalline Wax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.

上海临辰医药科技有限公司 代理销售药用蜡:药用巴西棕榈蜡,白蜂蜡,黄蜂蜡,小烛树蜡,微晶蜡,石蜡, 销售石蜡SP173PNF美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 白蜂蜡 White Beeswax, DR-101P,NF。



White Beeswax, NF

White Beeswax, NF

SP-422P is one of our flagship white beeswaxes and suitable for food, pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutraceutical industries along with hundreds of applications.

INCI: Cera Alba (Beeswax)
CAS #: 8012-89-3
EINECS #: 232-383-7
Country of origin: USA
Composition: Natural Beeswax


Strahl & Pitsch, LLC is the leading global refiner of Beeswax, producing White and Yellow Grades of Beeswax, certified to the current USP/NF Monograph, Food Chemicals Codex, and other compendium.

Benefits include:

  • High binding strength

  • Pronounced plasticity

  • Excellent emulsifiability

  • Emollient base

  • Gelling agent

  • Viscosity modifier

  • Plasticizer

  • Improves structure, oil retention, and pay-off for stick applications

Forms Available:

  • Granules

  • Slabs

  • Cakes

Beeswax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.

INCI: MIcrocrystalline

CAS #: 63231-60-7

EINECS #: 264-038-1

Country of origin: USA

Composition: 100%


Test Method Specification
Color Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Melting Point Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph NF= 54 - 102 °C / SP-18NF= 73.9 - 79.4 °C
Consistency Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph NF= 3 - 100 / SP-18NF= 55- 75
Acidity Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Alkalinity Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Residue on Ignition Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph NMT 0.1%
Residual Solvents Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph None Detected
Organic Acids Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Fixed Oils, Fats, and Rosin Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 石蜡Paraffin Wax,SP-1275, NF。


INCI: Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax

CAS #: 8006-44-8

EINECS #: 232-347-0

Country of origin: USA

Composition: 100% Candelilla Wax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Yellow
Identification by IR Current NF Monograph Complies
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 68.5 - 72.5 °C
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 12 - 22
Saponification Value Current NF Monograph 43 - 65
Limit of Lead Current NF Monograph NMT 3 ppm
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph Complies
美国史东毕斯公司, 白蜂蜡 White Beeswax, DR-101P,NF。销售石蜡SP173PNF

美国史东毕斯公司, 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-173,NF.销售石蜡SP173PNF


上海临辰医药科技有限公司是一家贸易型类企业,积极探索行业发展,努力实现产品创新。是一家私营有限责任公司企业,随着市场的发展和生产的需求,与多家企业合作研究,在原有产品的基础上经过不断改进,追求新型,在强化内部管理,完善结构调整的同时,良好的质量、合理的价格、完善的服务,在业界受到宽泛好评。以满足顾客要求为己任;以顾客永远满意为标准;以保持行业优先为目标,提供***的泛解酸内酯,有机可可粉有机果粉,阿拉伯胶 瓜尔胶 ,BIS TRIS 。上海临辰医药以创造***产品及服务的理念,打造高指标的服务,引导行业的发展。

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